How to Break it Off with a Fuckbuddy

Fuckbuddies aren’t made to last. Nobody buys a fuckbuddy thinking it will last for years. Fuckbuddy events rarely last more than one night. It’s just the nature of the game! Sometimes, a special fuckbuddy will break through the pack and stay with you for longer than expected. Maybe the sex is really great, or that fuckbuddy is also a good friend (when this happens, we usually refer to that person as a friends-with-benefits instead of a fuckbuddy). There will be a point in time when even a long-lasting fuckbuddy relationship is over.

This can lead to a close friendship. You don’t have to feel any obligation to your fuckbuddy. This is the beauty of having an fuckbuddy. But, you are human. This is your right to want it to be smooth. There are many options for you to end the relationship with your fuckbuddy. Let us help you find sexual freedom. These are some ways to end a fuckbuddy relationship and not feel completely horrible.

First, though, we want to encourage you to think about whether it is worth letting go of your fuckbuddy friendship during a pandemic. If you end the relationship, it is likely that your fuckbuddy friendship will be ended. Rejection is not sexy. Most people want to be completely alone after being rejected by their fuckbuddy. You don’t want to end it if you think that you might be tempted to have another sexy affair in the future. Okay, now that you’ve been warned not to let go of your fuckbuddy we will show you how to properly do it.

Use as a text

This is, undoubtedly, the second most cold and impersonal way to end a relationship with a fuckbuddy. You can be as impersonal as you like, even though you’re not dating the person. You can be careful when writing the text. Instead of sending a text saying “yo, it is over”, you could give your ex some closure by telling them that you had a great time, but that it must come to an end.

Make it easy with a call

This is the best way to end a relationship with your fuckbuddy. The phone call can be personal enough to not make the breakup feel like it is the end of a serious relationship. A phone call to end a relationship would be considered sexy if you were in a relationship. It makes you a gentleman or lady for fuckbuddy relationships. Send a warning text to your fuckbuddy asking if they are available for a quick call. Next, explain to your fuckbuddy that you are ready to end the friendship, but that you still value the time they spent together.

Invite them, but don’t fuck

Perhaps in person would be the best way to end a friendship if you are close and have a strong bond. You can still be friends after all the work is done. Invite them to your home and let them know what you are doing. You must make sure you do not have sex before you can break it off in this manner. This will make things more complicated. Although it’s difficult to avoid a kiss and a romp after the breakup, don’t do that. If you suspect your fuckbuddy is having feelings for you, this is particularly important. Fuckbuddy who has feelings will not take sex as an indication that things are over.

What to avoid

Although we’ve provided three easy ways to end a relationship with a fuckbuddy you may still be confused. We feel it is important to discuss what you shouldn’t do if you want to end things with a fuckbuddy while remaining on good terms.

  • You can ghost if you aren’t interested in the friendship. Send a message instead. Ghosting is a bad idea.
  • You don’t want this to end, do you? Fucking only makes things more complicated and confusing. A terminal fuck is not possible. This means that you don’t want to end things. Don’t invite your fuckbuddy to a party and then tell them it’s over. It can also be insulting and could make your fuckbuddy very upset.
  • Do not go on a date with your fuckbuddy It is romantic and adds more weight to the relationship.